Diferencia entre gafas polarizadas y no polarizadas

Difference between polarized and non-polarized glasses

The sun arrives, visits to the beach, plans in open spaces and greater exposure of our eyes to the sun's rays. When we buy sunglasses we pay special attention to the fact that the frame is to our liking, but what is really important is to know the characteristics of the lens. Knowing the difference between polarized and non-polarized glasses is essential.

What are polarized glasses?

Let's explain it in very clear terms. Of the light we receive from the sun, some rays are useful and others are not. Those that are not also harm us and are the ones that are reflected, in asphalt, snow, metal, glass...

The polarized crystals have a filter that prevents the passage of these rays, allowing only those that are useful to pass through.

Advantages of polarized glasses over non-polarized ones:

  • Sharper vision, with better contrast and NO GLARE.
  • Total PROTECTION against Ultra Violet rays.
  • Perfect for driving due to its REDUCTION OF EYE FATIGUE.
  • Totally suitable for all ages, including children.
  • They can be applied to any type of lens, graduated or not, with photochromic, mirror treatment...
  • Ideal for athletes.

Due to the design of the lens, another difference between polarized and non-polarized glasses is that the orientation must go in a specific direction. When non-polarized lenses are mounted in the frame, if they are not progressive or bifocal prescription, the direction of the lens is not important. However, with polarized glasses, the orientation of the lens must be very precise and specific for the filter to work properly.

Facing the summer, the difference between polarized and non-polarized glasses makes them more recommended by experts and opticians. Non-polarized glasses are recommended during the rest of the year or in areas where sun exposure is not intense.

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