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Oasys contact lenses with hydraclear plus for presbyopia from Acuvue

Oasys contact lenses with hydraclear plus for presbyopia from Acuvue

Regular price €45,00
Regular price €45,00 Sale price €45,00
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Single use daily contact lenses.

Oasys fortnightly contact lenses with hydraclear plus from Acuvue for presbyopia are the perfect option for people with multifocal or progressive lenses to have hydrated and well-cared eyes throughout the month. They allow a passage of oxygen greater than other lenses.

Protect your sight and the health of your eyes with Acuvue Oasys. All-day hydration and protection from the sun's harmful rays.

Oasys biweekly contact lenses with hydroclear plus for presbyopia from Acuvue. They are made of silicone hydrogel. In people with presbyopia who need multifocal or progressive lenses. This material allows a greater passage of oxygen and provides clear vision.

Acuvue Oasys lenses provide hydration throughout the day, which keeps the eye healthy.

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